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The single most important aspect of a duct cleaning vacuum. It’s True, Most portables don’t offer enough suction to do a good job in a profitable time frame. The Revolution Hybrid is no ordinary portable. Both models offer industry leading suction while remaining easy to maneuver into homes or buildings and up and down stairs.

Designed by people who actually do duct cleaning. Ever looked at other portables and wondered how on earth you would get the unit into a house and down a flight of stairs?
The Hybrid is designed by people who actually do duct cleaning. We know how important factors such as size and weight can be on a job. At just 22” in diameter it fits through any door way and it can break apart easily to get into tight spaces. The 12” wheels don’t get caught up on stair treads so its easy to get up and down stairs. The Hybrid’s design is unique in that it works just as well upright or laying on its back.

A true one man operation. The 2 piece design means you won’t need 2 people on a job just to get the vac into a house.
The vac easily brakes apart and can be carried if needed, even the handle slides out for compact storage in your van or you can pack it in a duct truck hose compartment.

Better for the environment. Easy on the wallet. Our standard MERV 15 Main conical filters, Biostatic wraps and Prefilter bags have been made specifically for our vacuums and are designed to be cleaned and reused hundreds of times.
You won’t be throwing filters into landfills, and you will save money by not having to purchase replacement filters every month. If properly cleaned and maintained, many of our clients get 500 or even up to 1000 or more uses out of one of our MERV 15 Main conical filters, Biostatic wraps and Prefilter bags. Cost per use? …maybe a nickel each time.
A HEPA main conical filter is also available as an option, though it will not last as long and will lose efficiency fairly quickly after being put into use. HEPA filter media is fragile and is designed for use in low cfm applications like air scrubbers and not high cfm applications like our Revolution Hybrid vacuums.

Don’t get caught in the trap, yes, you will find other vacuum units that cost less, but be careful what you’re willing to sacrifice to save a few bucks.
After a little investigating you’ll probably find the cheaper units weigh a lot more meaning you will always need extra labor, have half the suction, meaning it will take longer and at the end of the day end up costing you far more.
The cheaper units use much lower quality filtration systems that usually have to be replaced far sooner, you‘ll constantly be replacing expensive filter banks as well as paying more to the courier who delivers every month. Many of our clients that have switched to the Revolution vacuums have saved a lot of money in filter costs.