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The new Dynafin Blade and HAVAC system
Here at Hypervac we put a lot of time and effort into innovation and trying to make everyone’s lives better, easier and simpler. One of the big innovations we did a few years ago is our HAVAC Vac system where we actually have a direct drive from the engine to the fan, but we have a fluid coupler in the center to absorb the harmonic imbalances of the blade.

The HAVAC has been a real game changer in the duct cleaning industry. One of the other things that makes Hypervac who we are is some of our unique design elements like the clean out tub. In the past the duct cleaning trucks used to use big old steel boxes. All the crap would suck in and blow into a box and then that dirt would collect in the bottom, and that dirt would hold moisture and then it would create rust and you’d have nothing but problems, with a brand new truck rusting out in 3-4 years.
At Hypervac we found that completely unacceptable, so what we did is we designed our own clean out tub. Everything blows into a simple chamber and then back into a nice little drum. Quick and easy. This drum can actually hold two hundred pounds of dirt compact in there. From the other side of the truck if needed, you can push a rake through to get any remaining debris that hasn’t dropped in. To clean it out, basically all you need to do is undo the handle latch and drop the tub out. A lot of guys put a garbage bag inside so that when they pull the tub out all they have to do is lift out the garbage bag and put it back in. Then put it back in and close it up. It takes five minutes to clean this out- there’s no more trips to the dump, there’s no more dump fees and you can drop that into your local BFI, throw it in your garbage and away you go. So clean out is a lot simpler with a Hypervac Duct Truck.